Monday, December 10, 2007

If anyone is reading this blog, A classmate of mine has just started a website at Http://

Friday, November 23, 2007

Marker Sketch

A character sketch with markers and pencil crayons

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Winter show and sale:

Here are some prints that I have that I am selling at ACAD's Winter Show and Sale.

Block: painting 2

So it is now crunch time, show and sale is coming up this week and I have been making some new prints for the show. I also have completed both the pigeon and beaver ornaments. Here is the stages for the elephants and beaver.

Here is the finals

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Block: painting I

So after priming the animals I started into painting them with some house paint that I have mixed. It is economical, but the covering power of the paint is a little lacking. I may just convert back to acrylics to gain that covering ability.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Blocks: primed

An update as too the animals there 8 or 9 of these babies primed and ready for painting I am excited as to how these are going to turn out.

Recent Animatic

Here is a rough colour animatic for a class that I just did. The initial concept was about conflict. The conflict here is between a hero and his sidekick. I went a little further and created a additional story and two levels of story.

2:15 Break time (1.2mb) rt-click save as


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Blocks: cut-out stage

So this is the next stage a small selection of the animals that I am working on. They are really simply cut out. The challenge was on the band saw and having a flat surface for the blocks to be cut from. So I decided to leave about 3/16' at each cut to keep it together then use the sanding belt to grind down what I didn't cut.

Monday, October 1, 2007

New Fall Project

I walk alot in this town that I call Cowtown. Mostly between Work and home. Most of the time I walk past a design store called Kit Interiors and I saw these amazingly interesting and colourful decorations. Later while reading Lou Romanos blog that they are homemade orniments that designer Alexander Girard ( circa 1960's) made for his home and now there are replicas made. They have inspired me and have sketched out about 15 designs that I have started to make. Here are the photos of the beginning of the project.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The First Post

Well this is the first official post. I thought of something that maybe a compelling deep thought out insight to my interal tormented dialog that I usually hear. But instead, I am six feet, at times funny and most importantly Single