Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Worklife 2 and Screen Print

Okay I have two bits of new information. First I am participating in Work/Life 2, a wonderful catalog of Canadian creative talent. Watch for a release/show coming in February!! Click here to check out Uppercase, the publisher of the book and subscribe to the magazine too!!

Secondly I working on new limited edition silkscreen of this new illustration of mine, called "Alpine Hiker." Watch for it on my etsy shop.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Character Design- Praying Biker

Something that has been sitting in my sketchbook, thought I would bring it out.

CNTX NOV 28-22

So I heading off to Burbank this coming week for CTNX. I am really excited about who I might meet and what I will learn. This I think is the second annual of the event and I hope it continues to grow and more people get involved. With me, I am taking a bunch of sample brochures/portfolios to spreed out. Click here if you want to look at the dummied down pdf.