Sunday, December 28, 2008


A few new illustrations, I'm working on the mechanics of the same style of the Hero illustration from a few posts back.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Turtle People

I started sketching these guys while I was at work and I just kept going from there.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gig posters

Since moving to Edmonton I have noticed that there is a sever lack in creativity when looking at the local gig posters. So I have created 3 posters to present to a few of the local bars to begin drumming up so work on that front. Here are the three I did.

Moby Dick

I took a derivative design project I did in school(first year) and used the composition that I liked the most to create an illustration using my current style. Any thoughts?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Font in progress

So about two years ago I signed a contract with two of my classmates that I would design a font. So I have started the process of nailing down a idea for a font and have done a layout of what I have been thinking.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hey everyone I went to Toronto for The Applied Arts Magazine show for the winners in the Student Awards issue. It was really neat to see my work and the work of my classmates up and on display with the work of everyone else. Anne Watson also came for the show and we were introduced to a few people. All in all it was kinda weird to be there and not know anyone from the area.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

before and after process

A piece done for my final portfolio school. A quick before and after look at it.

Clear Cutting

I have been thinking about the environment lately, and how we in Western North America are cutting down large groves of trees for market. Granted it is not as bad as in the Amazon, but it still something we should be aware of.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Beaver Abroad

While on my trip I felt so relaxed and so I had done a sketch reflecting on my experience here is the final illustration.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Long absence- Rearing to go

Hi Kim and Mom I am sure you are the only two that look at this post. So I thought I would give all a update. I went to South America for six weeks, and it was such a nice stress bouncer I can not tell you all enough about. I am back in the swing of things, working to feed myself while I produce my master pieces. I just finished a storyboarding course through with Kris Pearn it was a great course. It was time consuming along with my ft and pt jobs, I am down to a ft job and my imagination. A piece of mine was accepted to the Applied Arts Magazine for their Student Awards Annual, this November issue. I am super pumped, there is a show in Toronto, November 17-18 and I will be attendace. The following piece is what was chosen for the magazine and following that is some projects I am working on.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little Critters: Gallery show.

I just submitted two of my animal sculpture to uppercase gallery for a up coming show called "Little Critters" here are some photos of the finished Elephant.

More Sketches

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Banff 08

Here is just a little fun picture of me at the Banff Springs. I was at a Story Workshop and one of the events was the springs I didn't have my suit with me so I rented a vintage suit. It had this great little skirt (where the strip is) so that when you stood up my jewels would not show. It was great I would like to own one, but they cost $80 bucks, way too much.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Not Art but cool anyway

I went ice climbing with some friends this last Saturday, it was alot of fun. Alot of work too. This shot of me is on a Level 4 column of Ice.

Friday, January 18, 2008

A sketch for classes drawing blog. The theme was 'the orient'.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Fish Slave Trader Character

Here are some character designs for a Slave Trader that enslaves fish. It is part of a story about David Livingston whom, in this version is a fish exploring land. (these were taken using the Photobooth program on my MacbookPro)